This is the traditional art of medicine practised in China, and all over the world today. Traditional acupuncture consists of a system of detailed diagnosis, ascertaining the energy imbalance, and working towards bringing harmony to the body through interventions of needling, massage, moxibustion, exercise, diet, and lifestyle, encouraging our body energies to return to normal.
Traditional acupuncture looks at the five-element theory of health, energy, diagnosis, and treatment. This takes about 4–5 years of detailed study and another decade or more to achieve expertise. Most illnesses can benefit from acupuncture. But diligent protocol follow-up is essential.
Lifestyle changes become essential as today we are following the wrong notions of a so-called healthy modern lifestyle, which is actually hurting us.
The scope for traditional acupuncture is immense in today’s world, and lots of people can benefit. Some of the common areas that can relieve suffering and offer cures are: sciatica, spondylitis, blood pressure, sleep issues, asthma, gut problems, headaches, migraines, period problems of all sorts, fertility and conception issues, etc., to name a few.
We hope most people interested in acupuncture can access a trained professional acupuncturist who can deal with their energic imbalance and cease their suffering and disease.
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