The primitive man did not need to be taught any physical exercises. They used to perform their every action purposefully and consciously. The Constructive Power of Consciousness builds only when we perform exercise in slow motion. The oldest Indian Exercises differ from western gymnastics primarily in that they do not consist of thoughtless repetitions but of exercises performed with great interest. The Traditional Indian Exercises, Martial Arts and Wrestling practiced in slow motion does constructive work on consciousness.
The secret of the tremendous effect of ‘slow motion exercise’ on the muscles and the entire organism lies in the constructive work of the consciousness. As discussed in the chapter on the control of consciousness, the tiny nerve ends that penetrate all the tissues of the body are charged with power by the conscious will. During our exercise these tiny reservoirs are filled with a quantity of prana so that the muscles continue to build up not only during the exercises themselves but also afterwards, even during our sleep, in obedience to the dictates of our will and in filling out the forms pictured in our imagination. (Selvarajan Yesudian, Yog and Health)
Regular exercise of the right kind, taken at the right time and in the right amount, is the best antidote to the illness. The main focus during the exercises should be on the breath. Research shows that exercises helps prevent heart attacks, aids weight control, instills a feeling of well being, and enhances creativity.
Hence Health Siren working towards assimilating all this traditional knowledge with Scientific Suryanamaskar, Martial Arts & Indian Exercises.
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