You must be excited, scared, happy, and overwhelmed all at the same time. It’s difficult to put your finger on just what you’re feeling, isn’t it? The kicks are delightful, but the cramps are debilitating. You might be glowing with enthusiasm one moment and overcome with emotion the next. Nothing quite explains the feeling of having a life growing inside you. You may also experience a fair share of mood swings, courtesy of hormonal changes. This is precisely why a diet is a godsend for you during pregnancy.
Pregnancy is not a disease to be cured. So planning a diet during pregnancy is a very complex and crucial thing. We need to understand the changes in mood swings of a diet for 2 lives.
We need to consider her food choices and find healthy ways to fulfil her needs. While preparing the plan, we should never forget about the baby growing inside the belly.
The problems associated with weight gain during pregnancy are hypothyroidism, gestational diabetes, hypertension, hypotension, oligohydramnios, etc. So planning proper nutrition and exercise during pregnancy is very important.
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